about me.


I’m a junior at Wellesley College, based in the Boston area, and I was born and raised in Vietnam. I am majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Cinema and Media Studies, with an additional interest in French language and culture.

I am deeply passionate about educational technology, particularly in teaching children about technology. I’m also dedicated to making technology more accessible and creating intuitive user experiences. My interests extend to projects that blend technology with mixed media, where I enjoy exploring practical technical implementations of creative possibilities. I have a strong desire to leverage my skills in the realm of social computing as well as its intersections with AI, data analytics, and research.

Aside from coding, you can find me exploring wood trails, appreciating the arts and music, or trying to play the second movement of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2.

When I’m not doing any of the above, I’m most likely enjoying my chamomile tea with two sugars while I doodle and journal about my day. And I’m most certainly rewatching How I Met Your Mother.