from the margins.

questions straight from the margins of my diary.

you've discovered the vault of questions. thank you for being so curious.
here are some extra, special questions that have meant a lot to me as of late.
this list changes every so often. last changed: wednesday december 25th, 2024.

think of someone you love. what dessert would they be? why?
how have you grown this past year? how do you wish to going forwards?
what do you think about when the seasons change?
compared to those around you, do you not care enough or care too much? how does that feel?
is there such a thing as walking away with too much grace?
what's a holiday tradition you love?
how do you reciprocrate the love that you take?
not a question, but think of someone you love. now call them.
who's someone you make time for? why them? do they make time for you?